ICS Legal
4 months ago
You can apply for horticulture Seasonal Worker visas at any time of year.

Get in touch with us to know more:
ICS Legal
4 months ago
You need to apply for poultry Seasonal Worker visas by 15 November each year. Contact us to confirm your eligibility.

ICS Legal
7 months ago
You can apply for horticulture Seasonal Worker visas at any time of year. Tap the link to know more:

ICS Legal
9 months ago
CAS is required by international students to apply for student visas in the UK.
Contact us to know more:☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com
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ICS Legal
9 months ago
Individuals on seasonal work visas are not permitted to take up permanent jobs in the UK.

#ukvisas #immigration #visaconditions
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ICS Legal
9 months ago
You can apply for a seasonal worker visa up to 3 months before the day you are due to start work in the UK.

#ukimmigration #visas #icslegal
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ICS Legal
10 months ago
An applicant who is in the UK on the basis of immigration bail documentation cannot switch to the Child Student route.
#ukimmigration #visas
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ICS Legal
11 months ago
Visas such as Skilled Worker and Innovator Founder require an assessment of reading, writing, speaking and listening abilities in the English language.
ICS Legal
12 months ago
Temporary worker routes such as charity worker visas require employers to have sponsorship licenses. Connect with us to check your eligibility.

☎ 0207 237 3388
📧 info @icslegal .com

#icslegal #visas #UK #immigration #workvisas #employees #sponsor #sponsorship #Legal #Jobs
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ICS Legal
12 months ago
If your humanitarian protection claim has been refused you may be given the right to appeal against the decision. Contact us to know more about appeals.
☎ 0207 237 3388
📧 info @icslegal .com
#appeals #immigration #humanitarian #claims #refusals #protection #visas #legalsupport
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
Persons on representative of overseas business visas are permitted to study in the UK.

Contact us to know more about this visa:
☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
If you want to visit the UK to get married or register a civil partnership you must apply for a Marriage Visitor visa.

Get in touch to know more: ☎ 0207 237 3388
📧 info @icslegal .com

#immigration #marriage #visas #UK #visitors #registeration #experts #legalsupport #icslegal
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
To enter the ballot and check if you’re eligible for the India Young Professionals Scheme visa get in touch with us: ☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com

#icslegal #India #ukimmigration #visas #youngprofessionals #ballot
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
Judicial review can be applied only if there exist grounds such as irrationality to challenge the visa decision.

Speak to ICS Legal Lawyers on 0207 237 3388 to know if you should proceed with judicial review.

#ukimmigration #visas #icslegal #judicialreview #grounds #challenge
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
Most UK visas require applicants to prove their knowledge of the English language. Contact us to know the type of test you require.
☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com

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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
The Youth Mobility Scheme route is available for nationals of Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Iceland and a few more.

Get in touch with us to know more about the requirements.
☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com

#ukvisas #immigration #visas #youth #schemes #lawyers #icslegal
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
Temporary work visas such as seasonal work visas and religious work visas are taking up to 3 weeks to get processed when applied from outside the UK.
#work #visas #ukimmigration #temporary #icslegal #legaladvice
☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago (E)
Study visa applications such as student and child student visas are currently taking 8 weeks to get processed if applied from inside the UK. #icslegal #ukvisas #immigration #StudyVisa #students #applications
☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago
Visit the UK for a paid event or engagement as an expert in your profession. Contact us to know more:
☎ 0207 237 3388📧 info @icslegal .com
#icslegal #ukimmigration #experts #lawyers #visas #visit #paid
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ICS Legal
1 yr. ago (E)
UK Family visas are available to bring family members to the UK to join you. Get in touch with ICS Legal to know more about eligibility.
☎ 0207 237 3388
📧 info @icslegal .com
www.icslegal.com #ukimmigration #icslegal #ukvisas #legalsupport #expertadvice
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